Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Root of My Interest

It really all started by accident when I was on a date. The boyfriend I was with at the time was just holding me and then decided to give a slight swat. It really just escalated from there. I would welcome input on the roots of your interests.


Jen said...

I'm confused as to why someone would want you to change the name of your blog. I think the one you have is very clever. Good luck with your blogging. I hope to hear more from you soon.



pmduo said...

I agree with Jenny - I think it's a great name for your blog. Good luck, I'll be adding you to my google reader!

Mr. Shiny said...

What's wrong with "The Bottom Line?" Great name.

Cowgirl said...

I agree with the 3 previous posts. I think you should keep the name you chose.

Heather said...

It was suggested because there was already another blog sharing the same name.

Bonnie said...

OK, I'll be honest. The someone was me. Heather asked what I thought of the name. It's a fine name, of course, but I noted that there there had been a popular blog with the same name.

This might even be a benefit, except that the previous Bottom Line featured lots of photographs of women's bottoms in various stages of undress. This is why I thought the name might be confusing for readers.

I believe Heather will be a wonderful blogger regardless of the name!


Heather said...

Thanks Bonnie. I tried for several hours contemplating something that might be less confusing, but found it difficult. I'll make this one better than that other guy's blog. I may not focus on photos, but I believe written content is much better. And I think I'll be keeping this name. Any ideas for other content are welcome here. Don't be shy.

Love4her said...

I would like to hear more of the story of the swat, or more that you got. Did you like it? Did he like it? Has there been a reprise of the event? What was it about the moment that led him to give you a wack?

As to the name.... the first thing that flew into my mind was "The Red Bottom Line." The bottom line makes me think of cane marks on a bottom so possibly "Lines on a Red Bottom" if your into, or think you might be into, that sort of thing.

With out pictures..... compose, compose, compose....... tell us your thoughts and dreams of spanking and that will stimulate conversation on the site. It sounds like you are a little hesitant about getting spanked.... are you seeking affirmation about your new need/desire?

Heather said...

In this particular post, I chose not to elaborate because sometimes the root of someone's interest and their first experience are not closely connected by time. Sometimes people can be interested for quite a while before they have their first experience. I titled this post with that in mind. The elaborate description is a topic for the next post entitled "The First Time" which will be up soon where I will write in detail about the first experience that I had. I did not intend to appear hesitant because I'm actually far from it.

Greenwoman said...

I hope that you'll keep your explorations up...do some reading. There's lots of writers out there to learn from. *smiles* Welcome to blogging and to spanko blogging in particular.

Michelle said...

have you been to www.bottomlines.co.uk
Tis an amazing site.

as for my interest, well I've been interested since I was 3. I had scenarios with imaginary families planned in my head. It's strange because I was never spanked, nor was I really exposed to spanking, it seems hardwired in me!